Eitt poddvarp um vitlíki í føroyum! Vertirnir Tróndur Hentze Sørensen og Martin Mohr Olsen tosa um leyst og fast, men mest um hvussu vitlíki kemur at broyta føroyska samfelagið.
Skráset hald á Apple Podcasts, Spotify og aðrastaðni.
Big milestone for our podcast! After just one episode on #AI in the #FaroeIslands, we made it to national news to discuss the lack of political engagement. Our views were backed by Digital Faroes’ head & the Minister of Finance. The conversation is just starting! 🎙️💡 #Vitlíki
— 🤖 Martin (@mohrolsen.com) December 27, 2024 at 7:49 PM
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